Daily Archives: August 8, 2015

[DDM] Angklung with Two Tubes

Today I cleaned up my abstraction and add help file. I already finish three abstraction for my project; ak_speaker, ak_player, and ak_pitchshifter. There are just basic abstraction. Not just cleaning up my abstractions, today I also managed to create another abstraction. I called it ak_angklung_2tubes. Why Angklung 2 (two) tubes? I tried to structure my patch so that it’s easy to understand. Angklung 2 (two) tubes means in this abstraction I use two sample, one for big tube and another one for small tube. As I wrote in my blog post, Angklung has many variant, 2 (two) tubes called Angklung melody, 3 (three) or 4 (four) called Angklung akompanimen so this new abstraction was created specifically for Angklung melody.


This abstraction represents one Angklung note so I need to create another abstraction so it can be used for any Angklung note. I hope I can finish it tomorrow.

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